Παρασκευή 27 Ιουνίου 2014

Εκστρατεία Οικολόγων για δημιουργία Αστυνομίας Ζώων

Ακολουθεί και αγγλική έκδοση / English version follows

Το Κίνημα Οικολόγων Περιβαλλοντιστών καταδικάζει το επαχθές γεγονός της βάρβαρης κακοποίησης ενός σκύλου σε ξενοδοχειακή μονάδα στην Αμμόχωστο. Ότι κτίζουμε χαλούμε με την ασυνείδητη συμπεριφορά και κακοποίηση των ζώων. Τα λεφτά των φορολογουμένων που επενδύονται στην προβολή του τουριστικού μας προϊόντος, με τις πράξεις των ασυνείδητων έναντι των ζώων έχουν πεταχτεί στον κάλαθο των αχρήστων, αφού οι ειδήσεις για τις κακοποιήσεις των ζώων στη χώρα μας κάνουν το γύρο του κόσμου καταστρέφοντας την οποιαδήποτε θετική προβολή της χώρας.

Ως εκ τούτου σας υπενθυμίζουμε όπως υπογράψετε και κοινοποιήσετε την εκστρατεία μας για δημιουργία Αστυνομίας Ζώων στον πιο κάτω σύνδεσμο. Παρακαλούμε να το κοινοποιήσετε σε φίλους και γνωστούς, στα κοινωνικά σας δίκτυα κλπ.

Αναμένουμε τη βοήθεια σας.

Dear animal lovers,

The Green Party condemns the grotesque incident of barbaric abuse of a dog at a hotel unit in Famagusta. What we build, we also destroy with our thoughtless behavior and abuse of animals. Taxpayer money invested in promoting tourism is trashed, thanks to these people and their actions, when news of animal abuse go round the world, ruining any positive image this country has.

Therefore we remind you to sign and share our campaign for the creation of an Animal Police Force by clicking the link below. Please share it with friends and acquaintances, in your social networks, etc.

We are expecting your help.

Τρίτη 17 Ιουνίου 2014

“Geoengineering”/clandestine spraying The resistance from European citizens: From the municipal council of Aegina to the European Parliament

George Perdikis – Cypriot Parliamentarian

On Sunday 8th June 2014, under the auspices of the municipality of Aegina in Greece, the parliamentarian of the Cyprus Greens George Perdikis spoke in Aegina on the taboo subject of the clandestine “chemtrails” spraying. 
It should be noted that while ever more academic specialists make public statements in support of the idea of spraying the planet’s skies with sulphates or with aluminium or other toxic metals, allegedly as a measure of mitigating climate change, discussion around the view that such spraying is already in implementation – planet-wide – remains systematically prohibited within the political system and the mainstream media. Anyone arguing that “chemtrails” are a reality is ridiculed and rejected as a “conspiracy theorist”.
Nevertheless, as a result of the action of activists throughout Europe, the European Parliament has now decided that the related discussion is “admissible in accordance with the Rules of Procedure of the European Parliament, insofar as the subject matter falls within the sphere of activities of the European Union.”
(See here the report of the Cyprus Greens on the spraying.)
In 2012 Mr. George Perdikis gave an interview in Athens on the spraying.
Seven parliamentarians in Greece from almost all parties have asked questions in Parliament about the clandestine spraying. (for subtitles click rectangle on right under the picture)
Aegina occupies a distinguished position in the history of citizen reaction against these spraying programmes conducted behind the back of the public. In 2003 it emerged as the first municipality in Europe to attempt to take action for investigation of the subject. There is a relevant video online with the present (June 2014) deputy mayor of Aegina Nektarios Koukoulis.
Here are some photographs from George Perdikis’ June 2014 visit to Aegina.
With the mayor of Aegina. Left to right: George Perdikis, Sakis Sakiotis (mayor of Aegina), Alexis Krauss (board member of Aegina Association of Active Citizens)
With the mayor of Aegina. Left to right: George Perdikis, Sakis Sakiotis (mayor of Aegina), Alexis Krauss (board member of Aegina Association of Active Citizens)
Outside the meeting. Left to right: Nektarios Koukoulis, (deputy mayor of Aegina, George Perdikis,collaborator of Dimitris Mourtzis, Dimitris Mourtzis (mayor-elect of Aegina), Alexis Krauss
Outside the meeting. Left to right: Nektarios Koukoulis, (deputy mayor of Aegina, George Perdikis,collaborator of Dimitris Mourtzis, Dimitris Mourtzis (mayor-elect of Aegina), Alexis Krauss

Left to right: Nektarios Koukoulis, George Perdikis, collaborator of Dimitris Mourtzis, Dimitris Mourtzis, Wayne Hall (board member of Aegina Association of Active Citizens), Alexis Krauss
Left to right: Nektarios Koukoulis, George Perdikis, collaborator of Dimitris Mourtzis, Dimitris Mourtzis, Wayne Hall (board member of Aegina Association of Active Citizens), Alexis Krauss
George Perdikis addresses the meeting
George Perdikis addresses the meeting

George Perdikis addresses the meeting
George Perdikis addresses the meeting
Nektarios Koukoulis addresses the meeting
Nektarios Koukoulis addresses the meeting
